Let's start with M13... who the heck actually goes by a name like "M13"? Only a one of a kind character. If you have not watched any of M13's YouTube videos then you should know he will gladly express his opinions but is also open and considerate of others. He has experienced a lot and has studied psychology. M13 will not treat you as a customer but as a potential friend. He has a vast insight and countless stories not only on places and things in Taiwan but the Taiwanese culture in general. Expect to feel like you are not following a tour guide but riding with a group of acquaintances. Which gets us to the topic of acquaintances. On my tour not a single person (total of 8) knew each other before the tour. We had 3 people from the USA (each from different states), 1 from Australia, 1 from Singapore, 1 from Ireland, 1 from the UK, and 1 from Russia. Putting the location of Taiwan aside, this combination of individuals is destine to create an interesting and unique experience. We all had one thing in common - we watch M13's YouTube videos. You will most likely make a few friendships that will last a long time even if you live on different continents. This is a good thing, because you will be sharing rooms most of the time. Accommodations were a concern of mine, but one that turned out to be false. Most of the places are bed & breakfast style, USA equivalent between 3 to 4.5 stars. All of them clean. Some of them very nice or in amazing locations. Taiwan is a hidden gem. In the USA most people recognize Taiwan as the place where electronics are made. This paints a picture of factories and poverty. If these places exist... you do not visit them. I'm not sure if I saw a factory over the 12 days I was there. M13 packs each day with a variety of activities - most of which you will not find in the book of tourism. I recommend not asking where you are headed next, just let everything be a surprise. For those in the USA, I would compare Taiwan to Hawaii with less tourism and obviously differences in culture. The scenery is breathtaking. The experience was very surreal at times. You will ride scooters from place to place and hotel to hotel. I recommend learning to ride before the tour. If you are in the USA take the motorcycle course and then go rent one and practice. The traffic in Taiwan will seem chaotic at first but then somewhat brilliant at how well it works. You will ride around 1000 miles on some of the best roads in the world. The value in this tour is astounding. Follow M13's recommendations, he has been doing this for many years. I recommend going 1-2 days before to help adjust to the timezone and staying 2 days extra to explore more.
Andrew E