Let me start by saying that conveying my thoughts and feelings about this adventure into words isn't possible. It is way better than i can describe, you'd need Charles Dickens to write a proper review. First you got M13 which alone is a trip. You cant categorize this guy with anyone else you've ever met. He has crazy stories like an old war vet, but makes jokes like teenage boy. He has almost no filter, so it doesn't feel like you're being led by some professional tour guide but rather by a bro. His personality works perfect with the environment that Taiwan brings. So Taiwan itself is such a perfect blend of many things. Don't think of it as a single destination, think of it as another world. When you combine the greatness of M13 with the greatness that Taiwan is and throw in a handful of dudes from around the world with some scooters you have a recipe for the best adventure ever. Just don't be a little wimp and do it.
Alex M